Cuban Cigar 60ml E-Liquid by BLVK Unicorn is a rendition of a well-refined Cuban Cigar. Blended to perfection with a light touch of creamy vanilla. BLVK Unicorn’s Cuban Cigar is a reproduction of a well-rolled cigar from the embargoed country off the coast of Florida. Combining rich notes of sweet vanilla with rich and powerful tobacco to create the flavor profile of a thick Cuban cigar.
In addition, Cuban Cigar 60ml by BLVK Unicorn is a blend borrowing rich notes of sugary tobacco leaves. And pairing it with a finely rolled Cuban cigar touched with hints of vanilla for an unforgettable vape.
Furthermore, nothing beats the taste and sensation of a fine Cuban cigar. Carefully rolled using the choicest tobacco, a well-made cigar can turn an ordinary night into something truly special. Although many e-liquid companies have attempted to recreate this distinguished flavor in an e-juice format, few have succeeded in the way that BLVK Unicorn has. Moreover, one of the flagships within their celebrated Tobacco Collection, Cuban Cigar delivers a genuinely satisfying vaping experience, unlike anything you have had before.
Above all, Cuban Cigar 60ml E-Juice by BLVK Unicorn is an incredibly authentic-tasting Cuban cigar blend. Premium tobacco leaves are expertly hand-rolled to deliver a deep, rich, and flavorful tobacco vape that will have you grinning from ear to ear. In short, you will detect subtle notes of warm, aromatic vanilla on the exhale, balancing the dark tobacco overtones immaculately.
If you enjoy premium the finest of cigars, you will absolutely love Cuban Cigar E-Liquid by BLVK Unicorn!
BLVK Unicorn – Cuban Cigar Features:
- 60mL Unicorn Bottle
- 30% PG
- 70% VG
- Made in the USA
- Available in 3mg, 6mg